Excessive worry about the future drops me into a cycle of anxiety. When I moved to the next station, these emotions stuck in my feet like a quagmire.

Don’t Worry

There’s no need to worry about what you will fucked up. Even if it happens, look forward, nothing will change if you pay for that.

The Forest, where I am. I want to follow pure instinct like a tiger, a dog, or even an ant. Eating when hungry, drinking when thirsty, enjoying music, enjoying the fresh air, paying attention to things around self. Anyway, don’t tie up hands by life.

Think back to the past, the things that make you sad and regret. It may be trivial, but it was unbearable at the time.

These words are written for me, don’t copy on ‘you’, it’s dangerous. I’m trying to escape(hug) the world, I want fuck this world, fuck everything that makes me anxious.

It’s a negative attitude in the eyes of the common man. But not, I’m enjoying it(every fucked thing) instead of escaping them.

I will do it because I want to if that will get me into trouble, come on, I don’t fucking care.