Don't worry about future
Excessive worry about the future drops me into a cycle of anxiety. When I moved to the next station, these emotions stuck in my feet like a quagmire. Don’t Worry There’s no need to worry about what you will fucked up. Even if it happens, look forward, nothing will change if you pay for that. The Forest, where I am. I want to follow pure instinct like a tiger, a dog, or even an ant. Eating when hungry, drinking when thirsty, enjoying music, enjoying the fresh air, paying attention to things around self. Anyway, don’t tie up hands by life. ...
Waste time cure my life
Music like time travel takes me into the past or future, waste too. What is waste? It’s some blurred concept. Maybe I want to get something but I don’t work for that, is this a kind of waste? Gradually, I compromise — compromise to life, to what I need, to what I want, and to everything I think in the past. Now I only follow what I could get instead of what I want to. What’s the meaning of my thinking? Is this a kind of waste? Sometimes, I remind myself that I can’t waste too much time, it will kill my life. After these things, I enjoy wasting time, I call that enjoy the time, and enjoy life, if something I did and get happy, why not? ...
Email Structure -- Building an Email Sender with SMTP
Using an SMTP library, you can build an app to send emails. However, it typically doesn’t support a function to simply pass the subject, content, and attachment as parameters. Format of Internet Message Bodies According to RFC2045, the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) format is used. From: ocfox <[email protected]> To: Test <[email protected]> Subject: Test Email MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=_kuroneko_ This is a simple email header where I use a custom boundary _kuroneko_. The boundary is used to separate different parts of the email. ...

CSS Learning Notes Chapter I
Try to make a nixos boot animation. (log scroll on screen.) The repo link: . This site has none imported js or css library. First need make a animation let text display line by line. So I tried to set a delay for every line, when open page hide (don’t display) every paragraph in css. p { display: none; /* Initially hide all paragraphs */ margin: 1px 0 0 1px; } Then set a delay increase by degrees for every single line with js. Use EventListener get every paragraph element, and set 500ms * (current lines) delay make it display none -> block. So them will display right. ...
Tailscale with Headscale?
Last month, I got a Dell R730xd. And pay many time on Fight with ChinaTelecom. Finally, I lost in this war. But fortunately, Tailscale can effectively(maybe) address my issue. I used Tailscale past, but stopped by Chinese ‘Premium’ Network, high latency and loss make me crazy. And ’they’ provides services, just like Google. Haha, actually, I’m not sensitive to this at all. I’m not a privacy-paranoid person. “Why not selfhost it?”, a real man(character I made up) said. So I host it on a server with CN21 network. ...
Bluetooth Pairing on Dual Boot
Edit pairing keys on Windows and Linux, make they are consistent